Register for a Weekend Retreat
If you wish to attend a weekend in Spanish, please click below:
Si desea asistir a un fin de semana en español, por favor visite:
Sacred Heart Retreat House
7:00 PM
3-Day(s) ($550.00)
7:00 PM
3-Day(s) ($550.00)
39 space(s)
7:00 PM
3-Day(s) ($550.00)
39 space(s)
Unv of CA at Santa Barbara
7:00 PM
3-Day(s) ($550.00)
23 space(s)
7:00 PM
3-Day(s) ($550.00)
32 space(s)
Westmont College
7:00 PM
3-Day(s) ($550.00)
24 space(s)
On Line

7:00 PM
3-Day(s) ($150.00)
7:00 PM
3-Day(s) ($150.00)
7:00 PM
3-Day(s) ($150.00)
Register for Weekend
Step 2 of 3
Please review your registration information below for correctness.
Bride Information
Name: | |
Age: | |
Address: | |
Religion: | |
First Marriage: | |
Phone: | |
E-Mail: |
Groom Information
Name: | |
Age: | |
Address: | |
Religion: | |
First Marriage: | |
Phone: | |
E-Mail: |
Marriage Information
Date: | |
Location: | |
Priest / Deacon Name: | |
Priest / Deacon E-mail: | N/A |
Priest / Deacon Phone: | N/A |
Misc. Information
Contact: | |
Referrer: | |
If your information is correct, please proceed to the payment stage otherwise click "Back" to edit. Payment is due with your registration to reserve your spot.
Step 3 of 3
Please click the Paypal link below to complete the registration process. You will be transferred to Paypal's payment portal, and then returned back to our community website once your payment is received. Thank you for choosing Catholic Engaged Encounter for your marriage preparation!